Piadina Romagnola Recipe

Piadina is a sort of flat bread, originally from Romagna, where it usually filled with cheese and cured-meat and folded in two or rolled up and eaten like a sandwich.

Piadina Romagnola Recipe


  • 450 g of all-purpose flour
  • 150 ml of water
  • 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp of salt


  • In a bowl mix the flour, salt and backing powder, then add the extra virgin olive oil. The traditional recipe make use of strutto (pork fat), but this recipe will be more light. Add the water and start mixing. We continue mixing for 10-15 minutes or of course, you can use any kitchen machine.
  • When the dough is nice and smooth, we place in a plastic bag and let it rest for about one hour at room temperature.
  • After it has rested, we have to make it thin about two millimeters. If you prefer you, can make small pieces and make it thin, instead cutting from big dough.
  • We make some holes with the fork to avoid big bubbles.
  • Now in a pan without fat, we cook our piadina for 1-2 minutes for each side.
  • Piadina is ready, and you can server warm filled inside with strachino, ham of just serve as bread.

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