Dessert with chocolate and amaretti biscuits

A spoon dessert prepared with amaretti biscuits, cocoa, eggs, and milk and covered with caramel. We can add more amaretti biscuits on the top. It is a very delicious dessert and it is all worth the efforts of its preparation.

Dessert with chocolate and amaretti biscuits

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  • 110 gr of amaretti biscuits
  • 600 ml of fresh milk
  • 10 egg yolks
  • 130 gr of sugar
  • 50 gr of cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup of rum
  • Ingredients for the caramel
  • 100 gr of sugar


  • We put the egg yolks and the sugar in a big bowl. We start to beat them with the electric mixer until we have a swollen mousse like mixture.
  • Using a kitchen blender, we grind the amaretti biscuits until them become like powder (we can keep separately some biscuits for latter). We add the cocoa in them and we stir.
  • Meanwhile, in the bowl with the eggs, we pour the rum, the mixture of the cocoa and the amaretti biscuits and we stir carefully. We add also the milk and continue to stir. The prepared mixture must be very watery.
  • In a small cooking pot, we prepare the caramel grinding the sugar. We must stir continuously. We put the prepared caramel in a rectangular bakeware with high edges (as those used to bake bread) being careful to grease all the inner part of the bakeware.
  • We verse the prepared mixture in the bakeware. We take a bigger bakeware and we fill it with hot water and in it, we put the bakeware with the prepared dessert.
  • We put the bakewares carefully in the previously preheated oven and we let them bake for 50 minutes at 180°C. After that, we get them out of the oven, we take the bakeware with the dessert and we let it cool completely.
  • When we see that it has cooled, we reverse the dessert in a platter. We decorate the dessert with amaretti biscuits on top and we serve it in small cups or on a large rectangular dish.

Enjoy – Bon appétit

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