Pancakes Recipe

Pancakes are a type of flatbread prepared from a batter that is baked on a hot griddle or frying pan. They exist in several variations in many different local cuisines. Most pancakes are quick breads, although some are also made using a yeast-raised or fermented batter.

Pancakes Recipe

Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Total Time40 minutes
Course: Snack
Cuisine: American
Keyword: embelsire
Sasia: 4 persona


  • 125 gr flour all-purpose
  • 180 ml milk
  • 30 gr butter
  • 1 egg
  • 25 gr sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 5 gr baking powder


  • In large bowl, mix dry ingredients together until well-blended.
  • Add milk and mix well until smooth.
  • Separate eggs, placing the whites in a medium bowl and the yolks in the batter. Mix well.
  • Beat whites until stiff and then fold into batter gently.
  • Pour ladles of the mixture into a non-stick pan, one at a time.
  • Cook until the edges are dry and bubbles appear on surface. Turn; cook until golden. Yields 12 to 14 pancakes.

Enjoy your Pancakes!


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