Chocolate Zebra Cake

This cake is a very good, light, soft, quick to cook and we need just few ingredients. This dessert is very special and pretty when you cut it because it resembles the two-colored zebra. Everyone will have fun and be pleased with this cake.

Chocolate Zebra Cake

Sasia: 0


  • 300 g of flour
  • 150 g of potato starch
  • 130 ml of milk
  • 150 g of butter
  • 6 eggs
  • 210 gr of sugar
  • 1 tbs vanilla powder
  • 1 tbs dessert yeast
  • 40 gr of cocoa powder
  • a pinch of salt


  • We put the sugar and the butter at room temperature in a big bowl. We beat them with the electric mixer. After this, we add the eggs and a pinch of salt and continue to beat. We add also the flour, 110 gr of starch, the vanilla and the yeast. Next step we add the milk, and we stir thoroughly.
  • We divide the prepared mixture in two separate equal parts. In one of these parts, we add the cocoa and in the other part the remaining starch.
  • We get a round bakeware and grease it with a little butter and flour so that the cake does not stick. To make the zebra effect we start to put in it two spoons of the white mixture, and on them, we put two spoons of the cocoa mixture. After that, we put on the cocoa mixture again two spoons of the white mixture and we continue like this until we are finished with the whole mixture.
  • We bake the cake in the oven at 180°C for approximately 40 minutes.

Bon appétit by ArtiGatimit

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